AT THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL



PRINCE DANDINI (A nobleman's son).......Lyn Ashley
PUSS....................................John Cleese
BALTHAZAR (A rich merchant).............Michael Palin
PRINCESS BALDRUBADOR....................Terry Jones and Graham Chapman
THE EMPEROR OF PEKING...................Eric Idle
PISSO, the Alcoholic Dog................Himself
WIDOW TANKEY............................Marlon Brando *
HONEST JACK (A friend of Puss's)........Terry Gilliam
DEPRAVO THE RAT (A friend of Pisso's)...Himself
FAIRY SUNSHINE..........................Neil Innes
RHONDA (Puss's physiotherapist).........Mrs. S. Baldwin
MING                       Det/Sgt Arnold, Special Patrol Squad
     The Policemen................
MONG                       Detective Chief Superintendent Wilson
                      Regional Crime Squad, Special Assignments
                                        Division, C.I.D.
SIMON THE VET (A man who neutered Puss).Eric Idle **
FILTHY PHILIP,the Unhygienic Hedgehog, (The man who
              first had Puss, and a friend of
              Pisso's)..................Sir Laurence Bolivier
ANDY THE TURK...........................All


The Titan Drilling And Off-Shore Exploration Company Dancers
The Arthur Condom Babes, the Trio Los Cheapos - still at pre-VAT
prices, and The Amazing Berg Fegg 6/5/2 - A death-defying High-Wire

*   If wet, this part will be taken by Terry Jones and Graham Chapman.
**  If wet, this part will be taken by Stevie Wonder ***.
*** If a bit muggy, but not actually wet, this part will be taken by
Depravo the Rat.

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